ENGLISH SPEAKING SAINTS January 18 St. Ulfrid, 1028 A.D., St. Day. St. Deicola, 625 A.D. Monk and companion of St. Columbanus,

ENGLISH SPEAKING SAINTS January 18 St. Ulfrid, 1028 A.D. Missionary and martyr. Originally from England, he journeyed to the Continent to participate in the missionary efforts of the era in Germany and Sweden. He was martyred by pagans after chopping down an idol of the god Thor, an act also performed by St. Boniface. St. Day. A saint patron of a Comish church near Redruth, England. Nothing else is known. St. Deicola, 625 A.D. Monk and companion of St. Columbanus, also called Deicolus, Desle, Dichul, Deel, Delle, or Deille. He was an elder brother of St. Gall, born in Leinster, Ireland. As one of St. Columbanus’ twelve disciples, Deicola accompanied him to France in 567 and worked with him in Austrasia and in Burgundy, France. In 610, St. Columbanus was exiled by Thierry II. Deicola, too old to accompany him, founded the monastery of Lure in the Vosges, France, and lived there as a hermit.


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