Martyrs of Japan

Bl. Michael Kiraiemon, Bl. Thomas Vinyemon, Bl. Miguel Kurobioye, Bl. Bartholomew Laurel, Roman Catholic Franciscan lay brother Martyr of Japan. Sent to the Philippines in 1609. He studied medicine at Manila and in 1622 was sent to Japan where he suffered martyrdom for his faith by being burned to death at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug 17 St. Frances Bizzocca, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A Third Order Dominican, the wife of Blessed Leo Bizzocca, Frances sheltered missionaries in her home, an act that brought about her arrest. She was burned alive in Nagasaki, Japan. Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Francis Kuloi Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan A native Japanese, who sheltered missionaries. He was beheaded.Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Francis Kurobiove, Roman Catholic Dominican tertiary Martyr of Japan. A native Japanese, Francis was burned alive at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17 Bls. Louis Someyon & St. Luke Kiemon Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiaries Martyrs of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Martin Gomez, Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17


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