
Showing posts from September, 2024


SAINTS SEPTEMBER 21 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy ST. MATTEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST From tax collector to Apostle and Evangelist: this is the arc of Saint Matthew's life. He was called Levi, which means “God's gift”. He was a contemporary of Our Lord Jesus. The Church celebrates him on September 21. Saint Matthew is the patron of bankers, accountants, and bill collectors.   St. Thomas Dien, Roman Catholic Martyr of Vietnam. A native of Vietnam, he entered the seminary program of the Paris Foreign Missions but was put to death before he could complete his studies. Thomas was flogged and strangled. Feastday Sept 21 St. Hieu, 657 A.D. English abbess of Northumbria, England, who received the veil from St. Aidan. She governed Tadcaster Abbey, in Yorkshire. She may be identical with St. Bega or Bee.    St. Mabyn, 6th century. Welsh and Cornish saint, with Mabon and Mabenna. All are associated with St. Teilo. St. Mabenna was

The ACTUAL Purpose of Catholic Marriage


The Martyrs of Korea

  The Martyrs of Korea via @icn_uk

Gospel in Art: The women who accompanied Jesus

  Gospel in Art: The women who accompanied Jesus


 SAINTS SEPTEMBER 20 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy Bl. Thomas Johnson, 1537 A.D. English Carthusian Martyr. A priest and member of the London Charterhouse, he was arrested with fellow monks for opposing the claim by King Henry VIII of spiritual supremacy over the English Church. Imprisoned at Newgate, Thomas was starved to death. St. Fausta and Evilasius, Martyrs at Cyzicum, in Pontus. Fausta, a girl of thirteen, was tortured by her judge, Evilasius. Her courage converted him, and he died with her. Sept. 20 St. Eustace, Roman Catholic Martyr with Theophistes, Agapitus, and Theophistus. Eustace was a Roman military officer called Placida, When he refused to take part in the pagan ceremony and they were roasted to death. Sept. 20 St. John Charles Cornay, Martyr of Vietnam. He was born in Loudon, Poitiers, France. and joined the Paris Society of Foreign Missions. Sent to Vietnam he worked there until his arrest after being denoun

Becoming the fire to transform religious life today

  Becoming the fire to transform religious life today

Through ministry, we become best versions of ourselves

  Through ministry, we become best versions of ourselves

Religious vocations connect East Timor and Portugal

  Religious vocations connect East Timor and Portugal via @sistersreport

October 6 – Radiate Love Reflection by Bishop Alberto Rojas


More than a million children to pray the Rosary for peace

  More than a million children to pray the Rosary for peace

Gospel in Art: A woman brought with her an alabaster jar of ointment

  Gospel in Art: A woman brought with her an alabaster jar of ointment


SAINTS SEPTEMBER 19 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy Bl. Thomas Akafuji, Roman Catholic Japanese martyr. A Japanese nobleman and devoted Christian, Thomas served as catechist to Blessed Leonard Kimura until his arrest by government authorities. Condemned for being a Christian, he was burned alive at Nagasaki. Feastday Sept 19 St. Theodore of Tarsus, 690 A.D. Archbishop of Canterbury, England, and a memorable figure in the English Church. A native of Tarsus, Turkey, he was a Greek by descent. After studying in Tarsus and Athens, Greece, he went to Rome, where he became so respected that Pope St. Vitalian (r. 657-672) appointed him to succeed to the see of Canterbury in 667. After receiving consecration on March 26, 668, he set out for England in the company of Sts. Dominic Biscop and Hadrian the African, both of whom were to provide assistance and helped guarantee that Theodore's administration remained entirely orthodox. They

The Rise of Living Alone - ZENIT - English

The Rise of Living Alone - ZENIT - English : According to a 2023 report from the U.S. Surgeon General, about half of U.S. adults report feeling lonely.

The Powerful Reason Every Catholic Married Couple Should Have a Crucifix in Their Bedroom

  The Powerful Reason Every Catholic Married Couple Should Have a Crucifix in Their Bedroom

Gospel in Art: What description can I find for the men of this generation?

  Gospel in Art: What description can I find for the men of this generation?


SAINTS SEPTEMBER 18 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy St. Dominic Trach, Roman Catholic Vietnamese martyr and a priest member of the Dominican Third Order. Caught up in the persecution against Christians, Dominic was beheaded. Feastday Sept.18 St. Methodius of Olympus, Roman Catholic Bishop and martyr, famous for his writings. St. Jerome wrote of his martyrdom at Chalcis, in modern Greece. Feastday Sept 18 St. Ludmilla of Bohemia, Roman Catholic Czech saint and martyr venerated by the Orthodox and the Roman Catholics. She was born in Mělník as daughter of a Slavic prince Slavibor. Saint Ludmila was the grandmother of Saint Wenceslaus, who is widely referred to as Good King Wenceslaus. Feastday Sept 18 St. Hygbald, 690 A.D. Benedictine abbot of Lincolnshire England, also called Higbald, Hugbald, or Hybald. Several churches in the region bear his name. Bl. Carlo Erana Guruceta, Roman Catholic Marianists. Martyred with Blessed Fidel F

We are the World Lyrics || We are the Children || Graduation Song || For...


On whose shoulders I stand

  On whose shoulders I stand via @sistersreport

Norfolk sister speaks about her journey into consecrated life

  Norfolk sister speaks about her journey into consecrated life

Young Finnish men baffle experts by embracing monastic life

  Young Finnish men baffle experts by embracing monastic life

Kirill: Russian culture and the salvation of the world - ZENIT - English

  Kirill: Russian culture and the salvation of the world - ZENIT - English

Gospel in Art: 'Do not cry' He said to the widow of Nain


  SAINTS SEPTEMBER 17   "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy St. Columba of Spain, A Spanish virgin and martyr of Cordoba. She served as a nun at Tabanos until the Moorish persecution started in 852. Going to Cordoba, she refused to deny the faith and was beheaded St. Emmanuel Trieu, Martyr of Vietnam, an ordained priest. A native Vietnamese, he joined the army but was ordained and worked under the auspices of the Foreign Mission of Paris. While visiting his mother, he was arrested in the anti-Christian persecution and martyred by beheading. St. Lambert of Maastricht, Bishop, martyr, and patron of St. Willibrord’s missions. He was driven from his see by Ebroin, the tyrannical mayor of the royal palace, and lived as a Benedictine in Stavelot until 681, when he was reinstated. When Lambert denounced the Mayor of the Palace Pepin of Heristal for adultery, he was murdered in Liege, Belgium. St. Ariadne, Martyr of Phrygia. Ariadne was a sl

Barbarian Invasion: The Beginning of the End for Rome?

  Barbarian Invasion: The Beginning of the End for Rome?

Gospel in Art: Saints Pope Cornelius and Bishop Cyprian, Martyrs

  Gospel in Art: Saints Pope Cornelius and Bishop Cyprian, Martyrs

Saint of the day September 16

Saint of the day September 16  "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint." - Leon Bloy CYPRIAN, BISHOP, MARTYR, St. Cyprian,  One of the early writers of the Primacy of the Pope as stated in :The Unity of the Catholic Church". A very important writer which shows that the Protestant view that the Chair of Peter was a later invention, is false. Feastday, September 16 Bl. Paul Fimonaya, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan The son of Blessed Michael Fimonaya. Paul was a Dominican tertiary who was arrested for being a Christian and was beheaded at Nagasaki. Feastday, September 16 St. Rogellus, Roman Catholic Martyr with his disciple, Servus Dei. He was a monk in Spain who was put to death at Cordoba by the Moors for publicly attacking the Muslim faith. His young disciple suffered with him. Feastday, September 16 St. Euphemia, Roman Catholic Martyred virgin of Chalcedon. The traditions surrounding her death state that she was tortured and then slain by a wil

"There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy

 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy

Concern for the Earth

  Concern for the Earth

Gospel in Art: Jesus rebuked Peter

  Gospel in Art: Jesus rebuked Peter

HORSE COSTUME 2 person Sex outside of Holy Matrimony is same Halloween or any other time

HORSE COSTUME 2 person Sex outside of Holy Matrimony is same Halloween or any other time

Saint of the day September 15

  Saint of the day September 15 Sts. Emilas & Jeremiah, Roman Catholic Spanish martyrs of Muslim controlled Cordoba , Spain, by Caliph Abd-al-Rahman II . Emilas was a deacon. The young men were beheaded. Feastday Sept. 15 St. Valerian, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr. The massacre of the martyrs of Lyons with their bishop, St. Pothinus, took place during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius in the year 177. Marcellus, a priest, we are told, by Divine intervention, managed to escape to Chalon-sur-Saone, where he was given shelter. His host was a pagan, and seeing him offer incense before images of Mars, Mercury, and Minerva, Marcellus remonstrated with and converted him. While journeying toward the North, the priest fell in with the governor Priscus, who asked him to a celebration at his house. Marcellus accepted the invitation, but when he found that Priscus was preparing to fulfill religious rites, he asked to be excused on the ground that he was a Christian. This raised an outcr

Gospel in Art: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

  Gospel in Art: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Pope: War in Gaza is too much! No steps taken for peace - Vatican News

  Pope: War in Gaza is too much! No steps taken for peace - Vatican News

Saint of the day September 14

Saint of the day September 14 Triumph of the Holy Cross  St Notburga Notburga is one of the patron saints of servants. She is remembered for her hard work, charity and prayerfulness. Her relics were kept at the nearby church of St Rupert, in Eben. In 1718 they were placed in a position of honour over the high altar.  ST. ALBERT, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM Albert was a man famous for his wisdom. After serving as Bishop of Vercelli, he became the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem. He reformed the Carmelite Rule. He was killed in an act of vengeance by the Master of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, whom he had removed for immoral conduct. Remembering three Mill Hill Missionaries who died at Arnhem  

Holy Virgin Queen of Apostles Pray for us. The twelve apostles are Peter, Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddeus, Simon (the Zealot), and Judas.

  Holy Virgin Queen of Apostles Pray for us. The twelve apostles are Peter, Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddeus, Simon (the Zealot), and Judas.

Inside Sweden's Rich Catholic History & What It's Like Today

  Inside Sweden's Rich Catholic History & What It's Like Today

St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

  St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

Pope at Mass: Love is the centre of the Gospel - Vatican News

  Pope at Mass: Love is the centre of the Gospel - Vatican News

Saint of the day September 12

Saint of the day September 12 Bl. Thomas Zumarraga, Dominican martyr of Japan. Born in Vitoria, Spain, he entered the Dominicans and was dispatched to the missions in Japan. There he worked to advance the Christian cause until his imprisonment at Omura. After three years of confinement, he was burned alive with several companions. Feastday Sept 12 St. Ailbhe, 541 A.D. Bishop and preacher, one of the saints whose life has been woven into the myths and legends of Ireland. He was a known disciple of St. Patrick, and is called Albeus in some records. What is known about Ailbhe is that he was a missionary in Ireland, perhaps sponsored by King Aengus of Munster. He was also the first bishop of Emily in Munster, Ireland. Legends and traditions abound about his life. One claims that he was left in the woods as an infant and suckled by a wolf. This legend is prompted in part by Ailbhe's later life. An old she-wolf came to Ailbhe for protection from a hunting party, resting her head upon his

Sisters stress preventive health awareness among Bangladesh's poor

  Sisters stress preventive health awareness among Bangladesh's poor

Sisters collaborate for equitable education at Washington School for Girls

  Sisters collaborate for equitable education at Washington School for Girls

Gospel in Art: Love your enemies

  Gospel in Art: Love your enemies

Saint of the day September 12

Saint of the day September 12 St. Ailbhe, 541 A.D. Bishop and preacher, one of the saints whose life has been woven into the myths and legends of Ireland. He was a known disciple of St. Patrick, and is called Albeus in some records. What is known about Ailbhe is that he was a missionary in Ireland, perhaps sponsored by King Aengus of Munster. He was also the first bishop of Emily in Munster, Ireland. Legends and traditions abound about his life. One claims that he was left in the woods as an infant and suckled by a wolf. This legend is prompted in part by Ailbhe's later life. An old she-wolf came to Ailbhe for protection from a hunting party, resting her head upon his breast. He is supposed to have been baptized by a priest in Northern Ireland, possibly in a British settlement. The so called Acts of Ailbhe are filled with traditions that are not reliable. Ailbhe was noted for his charity and kindness, as well as his eloquent sermons. He is beloved in Ireland. Bl. Thomas Zumarraga,

Singapore welcomes Pope Francis on final stage of 45th Apostolic Journey - Vatican News

  Singapore welcomes Pope Francis on final stage of 45th Apostolic Journey - Vatican News

The Supernatural Power of Holy Water: Its Meaning & Uses in Spiritual Life

  The Supernatural Power of Holy Water: Its Meaning & Uses in Spiritual Life

The reopening of the Parisian cathedral of Notre Dame will be like this… The Pope present? - ZENIT - English

The reopening of the Parisian cathedral of Notre Dame will be like this… The Pope present? - ZENIT - English : As the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris approaches, the city is preparing for a series of major events to mark the return of the beloved Gothic masterpiece, heavily damaged by the devastating fire of 2019

St Deiniol, St Protus and St Hyacinth

  St Deiniol, St Protus and St Hyacinth

Gospel in Art: Happy are you when people hate you

  Gospel in Art: Happy are you when people hate you

Saint of the day September 11

Saint of the day September 11 St. Ambrose Edward Barlow, 1641 A.D. Martyr and one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. A convert, Ambrose studied for the priesthood at Douai, France, and Valladolid, Spain. In 1615 he was professed Benedictine, affiliated by request to the Spanish Abbey of Celanova. For twenty-four years, Ambrose worked in Lancashire, England, despite the dangers. He was arrested four times but was released. On his fifth arrest, he was executed at Lancaster.  St. Daniel, 584 A.D. Welsh bishop and founder, companion of Sts. Dygrig and David. Daniel belonged to the Strathclyde family of Wales. He founded a monastery at Bangor Fawr, Caernarvonshire, in 514. He also became the first bishop of that see. Daniel went to St. David to persuade him to attend the Synod of Brefi. In Wales he is sometimes called Desiniol Bl. Francis Takea, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan, A twelve-year-old martyr of Japan, the son of Blessed Thomas Takea and a companion of Blessed Caspar Conten

Pope at Mass in Timor-Leste: Children show us the importance of 'smallness' - Vatican News

  Pope at Mass in Timor-Leste: Children show us the importance of 'smallness' - Vatican News

Public Arguments: Belief and Unbelief

  Public Arguments: Belief and Unbelief

Wife, Mother, Grandmother...and Pro-Life Prisoner

  Wife, Mother, Grandmother...and Pro-Life Prisoner

The Battle of the Sexes Belongs in the Home

  The Battle of the Sexes Belongs in the Home

Thousands gather in jungle to honor priest killed in eastern India

  Thousands gather in jungle to honor priest killed in eastern India

Renewable energy boosts Catholic sisters' sustainability in Zimbabwe

  Renewable energy boosts Catholic sisters' sustainability in Zimbabwe

In Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis confronted with status of women in church, society

  In Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis confronted with status of women in church, society

Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on 'largest pro-life issue' — the Earth

  Sisters of the Earth Community focuses on 'largest pro-life issue' — the Earth

Nicaragua: CSW calls for proof of life and freedom for arrested lay leaders

  Nicaragua: CSW calls for proof of life and freedom for arrested lay leaders

Holy Land: Church celebrates three new novice Sisters

Holy Land: Church celebrates three new novice Sisters
Saint of the day September 10 Bl. Lucy de Freitas, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A native Japanese, she was the widow of Philip de Freitas. Lucy, a Franciscan tertiary, was arrested for sheltering Blessed Richard of St. Anne, a Franciscan priest. Although advanced in age, Lucy defended the faith before the authorities and was burned to death for it at Nagasaki, Japan, on September 10 Bl. Agnes Takea, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. She was the wife of Blessed Cosmas Takea. They were martyred with Blessed Charles Spinola by beheading at Nagasaki. Sept. 10 Bl. Mary Tanaura, and companions, Roman Catholic Martyrs of Japan. with Mary Tanaka and Magdalen Sanga. Mary and her companions were beheaded at Nagasaki. Mary Tanaka was married to Blessed Paul Tanaka. Magdalen Sanga was the wife of Blessed Anthony Sanga. Feastday Sept 10 Bl. Mary Tokuan & Mary Choun, Roman Catholic Martyrs of Japan. They were slain with their husbands for refusing to give up the Christian faith..Sept 10 Bl. Seb

Saint of the day September 09

  Saint of the day September 09 St. Bettelin, 8th century. Hermit also called Bertram, a disciple of St. Guthlac. He lived in Croyland, England, and is listed as the patron of the town of Stafford. Remains of his shrine are at Staffordshire. Legend claims he was a noble who married an Irish princess who went into labor and gave birth in the forest while he went for help. Wolves ate her and the child in his absence. Bettelin and companions lived under the auspices of Croyland Monastery, founded by King Ethelbald of Mercia.   St. Wulfhilda, 1000 A.D. Benedictine abbess. Probably a member of the Anglo-Saxon nobility, she was much sought after by King Edgar (r. 957-975) for her hand in marriage while a novice at Wilton Abbey. She refused his proposal and finally won his permission to become a nun. She eventually became abbess of the convents of Barking and Ilorton, serving from 993 as abbess of both houses. St. Kieran. Kieran was born in Connacht, Ireland. He was the son of Beoit, a carpen

Prayer for Pope Francis

  Prayer for Pope Francis O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favorably on your servant Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; Grant, we pray, that by word and example he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Our Lady's Birthday

  Our Lady's Birthday

Gospel in Art: 'Ephphatha', that is, 'Be opened.'

  Gospel in Art: 'Ephphatha', that is, 'Be opened.'

Saint of the day September 08

  Saint of the day September 08 Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Servant of God Emmanuel Gonzalez; Joseph Sanchez and 2 Companions St Peter Claver, SJ St. Kingsmark, 5th century. A Scottish chieftain also called Cynfarch. He lived in Wales, where he is venerated. St. Disibod, 700 A.D. An Irish bishop also called Disen or Disibode. Discouraged by his lack of success as a missionary in Ireland, he went to Germany, where he founded a monastery on a hill near Bingen, called Disibodenburg. St. Hildegard of Bingen resided there in time.   St. Adrian, Roman Catholic Martyr. Adrian was a pagan officer at the imperial court of Nicomedia. Impressed by the courage of a group of Christians who were being tortured, he declared himself a Christian and was imprisoned with them and suffered excruciating tortures before he was put to death. His young wife, Natalia, who was pre

How can you do that - Mother Angelica


The Catholic Church and Birth Control

  The Catholic Church and Birth Control via @AmExperiencePBS Until the 1930s, the Catholic Church was not alone in its opposition to contraceptives. In the Christian tradition, birth control had long been associated with promiscuity and adultery, and resolutely condemned. However, after the Anglican Church passed a resolution in favor of birth control at its 1930 Lambeth Conference, other Protestant denominations began to relax their prohibitions as well. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church held fast to its opposition. The Vatican's stand against contraception was centuries old. For much of that time, however, birth control had remained a dormant issue. Since most birth control consisted of folk remedies and homemade cervical caps, there was little cause for the Church to respond. It was the mass production and availability of rubber condoms and diaphragms in the 1920s and 1930s, made possi