Saint of the day September 16

Saint of the day September 16  "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint." - Leon Bloy

CYPRIAN, BISHOP, MARTYR, St. Cyprian,  One of the early writers of the Primacy of the Pope as stated in :The Unity of the Catholic Church". A very important writer which shows that the Protestant view that the Chair of Peter was a later invention, is false. Feastday, September 16

Bl. Paul Fimonaya, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan The son of Blessed Michael Fimonaya. Paul was a Dominican tertiary who was arrested for being a Christian and was beheaded at Nagasaki. Feastday, September 16

St. Rogellus, Roman Catholic Martyr with his disciple, Servus Dei. He was a monk in Spain who was put to death at Cordoba by the Moors for publicly attacking the Muslim faith. His young disciple suffered with him. Feastday, September 16

St. Euphemia, Roman Catholic Martyred virgin of Chalcedon. The traditions surrounding her death state that she was tortured and then slain by a wild lion because she refused to attend a pagan ceremony. A church was erected in her honor in the fifth century. Feastday, September 16

Bl. Michael Fimonaya, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan and a Dominican tertiary. A native of Japan and a convert, he was beheaded at Nagasaki for refusing to abjure the faith. Feastday, September 16

St. Ninian. According to the life of Ninian by St. Aelred, he was the son of a converted chieftain of the Cumbrian Britons, studied at Rome, was ordained, was consecrated a bishop and returned to evangelize his native Britain. He had his own church built by masons from St. Martin's Monastery in Tours, which became known as The Great Monastery and was the center of his missionary activities. From it Ninian and his monks evangelized neighboring Britons and the Picts of Valentia. Ninian was known for his miracles, among them curing a chieftain of blindness, which cure led to many conversions. 


St. Edith of Wilton, Edith of Wilton was the daughter of King Edgar of England and Wulfrida. She was born at Kensing, England, and was brought as a very young child to Wilton Abbey by her mother, who later became a nun there and Abbess. Edith became a nun when fifteen, declined her father's offer of three abbacies, and refused to leave the convent to become queen when her half-brother, King Edward the Martyr was murdered, as many of the nobles requested. She built St. Denis Church at Wilton.

STS. CORNELIUS, St. Cornelius whose feast day is September 16th. A Roman priest, Cornelius was elected Pope to succeed Fabian in an election delayed fourteen months by Decius' persecution of the Christians. The main issue of his pontificate was the treatment to be accorded Christians who had been apostasized during the persecution. Sept. 16



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