SAINTS OCTOBER 16 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy

St. Eliphius, 362 A.D. Irish or Scottish martyr, also called Eloff. He was martyred in Toul, France. His relics were enshrined in Cologne, Germany, in the tenth century. 

St. Kiara, 680 A.D. Irish virgin, a disciple of St. Fintan Munnu Kiara, who is also listed as Chier, lived near Nenagh, in Tipperary, Ireland.

St. Gerard Majella, Roman Catholic lay brother of the Congregation of the Redeemer. This great saint is invoked as a patron of expectant mothers as a result of a miracle effected through his prayers for a woman in labor. Feast day is October 16th.


Saint Angela of Foligno Therefore if you want to begin and to receive this divine light, pray. If you have begun to make progress, pray. And if you have reached the summit of perfection, and want to be super-illumined so as to remain in that state, pray. If you want faith, pray. If you want hope, pray. If you want charity, pray. If you want poverty, pray. If you want obedience, pray. If you want chastity, pray. If you want humility, pray. If you want meekness, pray. If you want fortitude, pray. If you want any virtue, pray." (( from Voices of the Saints, Bert Ghezzi ))

"And pray in this fashion: always reading the Book of Life, that is, the life of the God-man, Jesus Christ, whose life consisted of poverty, pain, contempt and true obedience." (from Voices of the Saints, Bert Ghezzi)

ST.HEDWIG, DUCHESSE OF POLONIA, RELIGIOUS, True nobility consists in serving those most in need. This was a notable aspect of the life of Saint Hedwig, Duchess of Silesia and of Poland, and later a religious in a Cistercian monastery. She lived in the 12th century. Her feast is celebrated by the Church each year on October 16.


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