ST. MARCELLUS I, POPE AND MARTYR In Rome on the Via Salaria, the natal day Not his birthday but the day he died and was "born again" into Heaven Because he professed the Catholic faith, the tyrant Maxentius ordered that he be beaten with cudgels and then made to serve the animals in a public stable.Jan. 16
Priscilla was a Roman matron of the first century. Some have identified her with the wife of Aquila, engaged in the first Christian catechesis; or with the founder of a cemetery named for her on the Via Salaria, who received St Paul as a guest. According to others, she was a freed slave.
St. Dunchaid O'Braoin, 988 A.D. Abbot on Clanmocnoise, near Westmeath, Ireland. He was a hermit until circa 969, when he became abbot. He died in Armagh.
St. Fursey, 648 A.D. Irish monastic founder, the brother of Sts. Foillan and Ulan, praised by St. Bede. Fursey was born on the island of Inisguia en Lough Carri,
Ireland, as a noble. He founded Rathmat Abbey, now probably Killursa. In 630 Fursey and his friends went to East Anglia, England, where he founded a monastery near Ugremouth on land donated by King Sigebert. In his later years, Fursey went to France to build a monastery at Lagny, near Paris, France. He was buried in Picardy. St. Bede and others wrote about Fursey’s intense ecstasies.
St. Henry of Cocket, 1127 A.D. A Danish hermit who had a hermitage on Cocket, an island off the coast of Northumbria, England. He lived under the director of the monks of Tynemouth.
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