Bl. William Filby, 1582 A.D. Martyr of England. Born in Oxfordshire, he studied at Oxford. After graduation, William was converted to Catholicism and went to Reims, France, where he received ordination as a priest in 1581. He returned to England immediately and was arrested with St. Edmund Campion. William was executed at Tyburn with three companions on May 30. He was beatified in 1886.  

Bl. Thomas Cottam, 1582 A.D.  English martyr. Born at Dilworth, Lancashire, England, in 1549, he was raised as a Protestant and studied at Oxford University before undergoing a conversion to Catholicism. Leaving England to prepare for ordination at Douai and Rome, he was ordained and joined the Jesuits. going home in 1580. Arrested at his landing at Dover, he was taken to the Tower of London and eventually hanged, drawn, and quartered with three companions.  

Bl. Lawrence Richardson, 1582 A.D.  Roman Catholic Priest  Martyr of England. He was born in Great Crosby, Lancashire, England, and was educated at Oxford. Converting to the faith, Lawrence went to Douai, France, and was executed at Tyburn 

Bl. Maurus Scott Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn on May 30 with Blessed Richard Newport

St. Luke Kirby, Roman Catholic English Martyr, imprisoned in the Tower of London and subjected to the infamous device “Scavenger’s Daughter.” a hideous form of torture executed at Tyburn. Feastday May 30

Bl. Richard Newport, Roman Catholic Priest and English Martyr hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn

ST. PETRONILLA-St. Petronilla, thought a spiritual daughter of St Peter and Patron Saint of The dauphins of France; mountain travellers; treaties between Popes and Frankish emperors; invoked against fever. Her emblem, like that of St. Peter, is a set of keys. What is certain is that she was buried in the Catacombs of St Domitilla. She was martyred in the 4th century and her remains were transferred to St Peter's in 757AD. Feast May 31

ST. JOAN OF ARC, VIRGIN Patron Saint of soldiers and France

ST. FERDINAND, KING OF CASTILLA, Roman Catholic King, In 1225, he held back Islamic invaders; prayed and fasted to prepare for the war; extremely devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Between 1234-36, Ferdinand conquered the city of Cordoba from the Moors.Feastday May30

St. Walstan, 1016 A.D. Penitent and model of charity. Born at Bawburgh, near Norwich, England, he was renowned for his charity and intense personal goodness, spending his life in prayer. Wealthy, he gave away his goods and worked as a farmhand at Taverham and Costessey. Walstan became a popular saint in the area of Norwich and became the hero of various legends. His shrine at Bawburgh was much visited until the English Reformation of the sixteenth century when it was destroyed.  


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