
Showing posts from June, 2024


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 26   Bl. Teresa Fantou, Roman Catholic Nun and French Martyr of the Sisters of Charity in Arras, during the French Revolution, she was arrested by republican authorities and guillotined at Cambrai.Teresa and her three companions, Francoise Lanel, Madeleine Fontaine, and Joan Gerard . Feastday: June 26 St. Marie Magdalen Fontaine, Roman Catholic Nun and French Martyr. Martyred Sister of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. She was superior of the congregation’s house at Arras when the French Revolution erupted in the country With three members of her community, Mary Magdalen was guillotined at Cambrai, France. Feastday: June 26 Bl. Jane Gerald, Roman Catholic Nun and French Martyr of the Sisters of Charity in Arras, during the French Revolution, she was arrested by republican authorities and guillotined at Cambrai. Feastday: June 26 St. Hermogius. B enedictine bishop whose nephew, St. Pelagius, served as his hostage with the Moors. Born at Tuy, Spain, Hermogius fo

Meet the new sisters panel for the fourth year of The Life

  Meet the new sisters panel for the fourth year of The Life via @sistersreport


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 25  St. Eurosia, A Roman Catholic French martyr, a victim of the Muslim invasion of Spain. She was born in Bayonne, France, and was slain at Jaca in the Pyrenees of Aragon, Spain, when she refused to marry a Muslim. Feastday June 25 ST. PROSPERUS OF AQUITAINE, PHILOSOPHER   June 25 ST.WILLIAM, ABBOT, FOUNDER OF THE CONGREGATION OF MONTEVERGINE , JUNE 25- Sometimes, even a young child is able to make a decision that will change his life forever. This was the case with St William, who at the age of fourteen decided to go on pilgrimage – first to Santiago de Compostela, and then to the Holy Land. Like St Francis a century later, William gave up all he had in order to embrace a religious life. He freed himself from attachments to his family, gave up his noble title, put on a tattered habit, and left his home in Vercelli (Italy) barefoot. St. Adalbert, 740 A.D. A missionary in Ireland whose tomb became a center for pilgrims. Adalbert was born in Northumbria, Engla

Who Was St. John the Baptist? 11 Things to Know and Share| National Catholic Register

Who Was St. John the Baptist? 11 Things to Know and Share| National Catholic Register : What do we know about the mysterious John the Baptist? Here are 11 things to know and share...


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 24  STS. JOHN AND FESTO, MARTYRS ON THE VIA SALARIA ANTICA Bl. Joseph Yuen, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of Tonkin, Vietnam. A native priest, he was imprisoned, then strangled. Feastday June 24 BIRTH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST- St. John the Baptist, Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Perea and Galilee, had him arrested and imprisoned at Machaerus Fortress on the Dead Sea when John denounced his adultrous and incestuous marriage with Herodias, wife of his half brother Philip. John was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias,John is presented in the New Testament as the last of the Old Testament prophets and the precursor of the Messiah. St. Bartholomew of Fame, 1193 A.D. A Benedictine hermit and miracle worker associated with Durham, England. He was born in Whitby, in Northumbria, England, and was called Tostig. After going to Norway, Bartholomew was ordained and returned to Durham, where he entered the Benedictine Order. He became a hermit on the i

They lived Christianity: Italy's saints of social action

They lived Christianity: Italy's saints of social action : Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to Turin is an opportunity to reflect on the outstanding group of saints whose lives embodied Catholic social teaching in 19th century Turin, when the Piedmont region underwent an industrial revolution and secularizing trends amid struggles to build a unified Italian state.


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 23  St. Thomas Garnet, 1608 A.D. English Jesuit martyr . A nephew of the Jesuit Henry Garnet, he was born in Southwark, England, and studied for the priesthood at St. Omer, France, and Valladolid, Spain. Initially ordained as a secular priest, he joined the Jesuits in 1604 and worked to advance the Catholic cause in Warwick until his arrest in 1606. He was exiled after months of torture but returned in 1607 and was soon arrested. He was hanged at Tyburn. Beatified in 1929, he was canonized in 1970 and is included among the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.  St. Agrippina, Roman Catholic Martyr. Martyr, whose shrine is venerated as a site of miracles. Agrippina is believed to have come from a good Roman family. She was caught up in the persecutions instituted by Emperor Valerian or Diocletian and was beheaded or scourged. Her body was taken to Mineo, Sicily, by three devout Christian women. The gravesite

In 2015, Arizona ordered 1,000 vials of sodium thiopental, a muscle relaxant used in the execution process, from a supplier in India. That came after a domestic manufacturer refused to sell it for executions.

  In 2015, Arizona ordered 1,000 vials of sodium thiopental, a muscle relaxant used in the execution process, from a supplier in India. That came after a domestic manufacturer refused to sell it for executions.,517932 #simplesharebuttons

US Viewpoint: We are dangerously close to nuclear war

  US Viewpoint: We are dangerously close to nuclear war via @icn_uk


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 22  St. Alban. St. Alban was the first martyr of England, his own country (homeland). During a persecution of Christians, Alban, though a pagan, hid a priest in his house. The priest made such a great impression on him that Alban received instructions and became a Christian himself.  In the meantime, the governor had been told that the priest was hiding in Alban's house, and he sent his soldiers to capture him. But Alban changed clothes with his guest, and gave himself up in his stead. The judge was furious when he found out that the priest had escaped and he said to Alban, "You shall get the punishment he was to get unless you worship the gods." The Saint answered that he would never worship those false gods again. "To what family do you belong?" demanded the judge. "That does not concern you," said Alban. "If you want to know my religion, I am a Christian." Angrily the judge commanded him again to sacrifice to th


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 21  St. John Rigby, 1600 A.D. Martyr of England, a layman executed at Southwark. He was born near Wigan, England, and was reconciled to the Church. Admitting that he was a Catholic, he was arrested and placed in Newgate Prison. He was hanged, drawn, and quartered at Southwark on June 21. John is one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wale s and was canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.   St. Corbmac , 6th century. An abbot and disciple of St. Columba, who made him the superior of Durrow Monastery.   St. Maine. Founder of Saint-Meon in Brittany, France . He was a disciple of St. Samson. Maine, who also is listed as Meen, Mevenus, Mavenus, or Mewan, was either Welsh or Cornish.   ST. LOUIS GONZAGA, JESUIT, PATRON OF THE CATHOLIC YOUNG-Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest. He served in a hospital during the plague of 1587 in Milan,   Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, SJ   

Ticket to oblivion?

Ticket to oblivion? via @DenverCatholic


  ST. MARINA THE MONK- St. Marina Roman Catholic Virgin - She flourished in Bithynia in the eighth century, and served God under the habit of a monk, with extraordinary fervor. Her wonderful humility, meekness, and patience are celebrated in the lives of the fathers of the desert. Feastday: June 18 #Brothersall , #Allbrothers #religious


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 20  STS. MARK AND MARCELLIANO, ROMAN MARTYRS,  STS. GERVASIUS AND PROTASIUS, MARTYRS OF MILAN, Blessed William Harcourt,  John Gavan, Anthony Turner, SJ    Bl. Anthony Turner, 1679 A.D. Martyr of England. The son of a Protestant minister, he was born in Leicestershire and educated at Cambridge. A convert to Catholicism, Anthony went to Rome and joined the Jesuits in Flanders and was ordained in 1661. He returned to England and labored in Worcester until he was arrested in the so-called Titus Oates affair. Convicted on perjured evidence, he was hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn on June 20. Anthony was beatified in 1929.   Bl. William Harcourt , 1679 A.D. Jesuit martyr of England, also called William Barrows. Born in Lancashire in 1609, he studied at St. Omer, France, where in 1632 he became a Jesuit. Returning to England in 1645, he labored in London on behalf of the Catholic

Pope Francis: A Jonah for Our Times?

  Pope Francis: A Jonah for Our Times? via @CrisisMag

Sisters of Life Video Wins Gold Telly Award For Answering Internet's Top Questions About Nuns

  Sisters of Life Video Wins Gold Telly Award For Answering Internet's Top Questions About Nuns

St. Juliana Falconieri - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

St. Juliana Falconieri - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News 


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 19  Bl. Humphrey Middlemore, 1572-1591 A.D. Carthusian martyr of England. He was hanged at Tyburn with two monks of the London Charterhouse.   Bl. William Exmew, 1535 A.D. Carthusian martyr. An Englishman, he was educated at Cambridge and entered the Carthusians, eventually becoming sub-prior of the London Charterhouse. Owing to their refusal to accept the reforms of King Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547), William was executed with Blesseds Sebastian Newdigate and Humphrey Middlemore. They were beatified in 1886.   Bl. Thomas Woodhouse, 1573 A.D. English martyr. A resident of Lincolnshire, he received ordination as a secular priest and took up a post there. Forced to resign from this post, he became a tutor in Wales. He was arrested in 1561 for celebrating a Mass and was sent to Fleet Prison. During the period of his incarceration, which lasted twelve years, he entered the Society of Jesus Thomas was tried in 1570. He was hanged at Tyburn.   June 19th: Blessed Thomas

Gambling in America

  Gambling in America via @CrisisMag

The God of Sundays

  The God of Sundays via @CrisisMag

Anti-Catholic Revolution and Catholic Revival

  Anti-Catholic Revolution and Catholic Revival via @CrisisMag

Permanent Characters tatoos

Permanent Characters via @CrisisMag

Catholicism in Uganda

  Catholicism in Uganda Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part I via @CrisisMag

Catholic One Mass celebration in Peterborough Cathedral

  Catholic One Mass celebration in Peterborough Cathedral

Cardinal Zuppi in Bethlehem: The suffering of children is unacceptable

  Cardinal Zuppi in Bethlehem: The suffering of children is unacceptable

The Amazing Child Saint Who Literally Loved the Eucharist to Death

  The Amazing Child Saint Who Literally Loved the Eucharist to Death


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 18 St. Aquilina, Roman Catholic Virgin and Martyr beheaded at Byblos. She was only twelve years old. Feastday: June 18 ST. GREGORY BARBARIGO, BISHOP OF PADUA AND CARDINAL ST. MARINA THE MONK-St. Marina Roman Catholic Virgin- She flourished in Bithynia in the eighth century, and served God under the habit of a monk, with extraordinary fervor. Her wonderful humility, meekness, and patience are celebrated in the lives of the fathers of the desert. Feastday: June 18 J une 18th - Servant of God Edward Billotet & 5Companions, SJ The Druses then began from June 1860 to massacre Maronite Christians. Within three weeks they killed 7750 Christians, destroyed 560 churches, burned 360 villages, razed 42 convents and left 28 schools in ruins. Zahle was the worst casualty because of its concentration of Catholics.

The False Idol of Modern Sports in America

The False Idol of Modern Sports in America


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR  June 17  Bl. Emmanuel d'Abreu, Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest and Chinese Martyr. He was arrested in Tonkin and was martyred the following year with three companions. Feastday: June 17 STS. BLAISE AND DIOGEN, MARTYRS ON THE VIA SALARIA ANTICA St. Herve, 575 A.D. Welsh bard who was is a popular patron in Brittany, France. Herve, sometimes called Harvey or Hervues, was the son of the bard Hyvarnion, and was born blind. Raised by his uncles because his mother was a hermitess, he was taken to Brittany. There he built an abbey at Lanhourneau, and he was venerated as a miracle worker and bard. He is invoked against eye trouble, and he is depicted with a wolf. Tales and legends associated Herve with a wolf.    St. Adulf, 680 A.D. Bishop and missionary, venerated with his brother, Butulf. They were nobles of Saxon or Irish lineage who became monks. Both went as missionaries to Germany. There Adulf was made the bishop of Utrecht. Butulf returned to England and founded


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 16  Bl. William Greenwood, 1537 A.D. Carthusian martyr of England. A lay brother in the Carthusian London Charterhouse, he was arrested for opposing the policies of King Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547) and starved to death in Newgate Prison with six companions.   Sts. Quiriacus and Julitta, Roman Catholic Martyrs. Quiricus was the three year old son of Julitta, a noble widow of Tarsus. Arrested for being a Christian, Julitta enraged the Roman magistrate by scratching his face. Her punishment before execution was to watch while Quiricus was beaten to death St. Cettin, 5th century. Bishop and disciple of St.Patrick also called Cetagh. Cettin was consecrated a bishop to help St. Patrick.   St. Colman McRhoi, 6th century. An abbot and disciple of St. Columba. He founded the monastery of Reachrain, now Lamboy Island, in Dublin, Ireland, ruling as abbot.   St. Curig, 6th century. Welsh bishop in the see of Llanbadarn. Several churches in Wales are dedicated to Curig.

Pope to G7: AI is ‘neither objective nor neutral’ - Vatican News

  Pope to G7: AI is ‘neither objective nor neutral’ - Vatican News


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 15  ST VITUS, MARTYR IN LUCANIA -Little is definitively known about St Vitus, apart from the fact of his martyrdom in Lucania. Devotion to the Saint is known from the beginning of the Middle Ages.  St Vitus was known for healing miracles; he is invoked especially against epilepsy and other neurological disorders.   June 15 Bls. Thomas Green, Thomas Scryven, and Thomas Reding , 1537 A.D. English Carthusian martyrs. Thomas Green studied at St. John's College, Cambridge, entering the London Charterhouse of the Carthusians where he took vows and received ordination. Arrested for opposing King Henry VIII's (r. 1509-1547) claim of spiritual supremacy over the English Church, Thomas was imprisoned with two other Carthusians, the lay brothers Thomas Scryven and Thomas Reding, and four other companions. All were starved to death at Newgate Prison.   St. Benildis. Roman Catholic Spanish woman martyr, converted by the heroic death of St. Athanasius. A priest,


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 14  St. Anastasius XVII Roman Catholic Deacon and Martyr. A monk in the Benedictine monastery in Tabanos, near Cordoba, Spain, Anastasius was caught up in the persecutions conducted by the Muslim Moors. With St. Felix and St. Digna, Anastasius was beheaded for the faith. 853 A.D . Feastday June 14 St. Methodius I, Roman Catholic Priest and was exiled by Emperor Leo V the Armenian for refusing to yield to the imperial decrees on the destruction of icons. Feastday: June 14 St. Cearan, 870 A.D. Irish abbot called “the Devout,” also known as Ciaran. He was abbot of Bellach-Duin now Castle Kerrant, County Meath.   St. Dogmael, 6th century. Welsh monk of the house of Cunedda, the son of Ithel ab Ceredig ab Cunedda Wledig. He preached in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and then went to Brittany, in France. Several churches bear his name.   St. Elgar, 1100 A.D. Hermit on the isle of Bardsey, off the coast of Cearnarvon, Wales. He was born in Devonshire, England, and spent

Southern Baptists formally oppose in vitro fertilization

  Southern Baptists formally oppose in vitro fertilization

The Bishop of Rome, servant of unity - Vatican News

  The Bishop of Rome, servant of unity - Vatican News

Pope to hold bilateral talks with world leaders at G7 Summit - Vatican News

  Pope to hold bilateral talks with world leaders at G7 Summit - Vatican News


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 13  St. Aquilina, Roman Catholic Martyr. She was arrested during Diocletian's persecution of Christian, and though only twelve, was beaten and decapitated by order of the magistrate, Volusian, when she would not renounce her Faith . Feastday: June 13 St. Augustine of Huy, Roman Catholic Martyr. When it was discovered he was a Christian, he joined St. Nicholas Thé in martyrdom.They were sawed into pieces . Feastday: June 13 SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA -A tireless preacher and confessor, Saint Anthony of Padua realized in his life a perfect balance and synthesis of hands-on pastoral work and retreat into intense spiritual solitude, love of neighbor and love for God. His memory is kept on June 13.   St. Damhnade. Virgin venerated in Ireland. 


SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 12  108 Blessed Polish Martyrs, Martyrs of World War II, were Roman Catholics from Poland killed during World War II by the Nazis The group comprises 3 bishops, 52 priests, 26 members of male religious orders, 3 seminarians, 8 religious sisters and 9 lay people. St.  Eskill, 1080 A.D. English missionary to Sweden, a companion of St. Sigfrid, his kinsman. Eskill went with St. Sigfrid to Sweden. There he was consecrated as the bishop of Strangnas and evangelized Sodermanland. King Sweyn the Bloody, the pagan successor to the murdered Christian King Inge, revived pagan practices. Eskill denounced a pagan festival and was stoned to death by order of the king.   SAINT ONUPHRIUS, ANACHORITE ST. LEO III, POPE St. John of Sahagun, Roman Catholic Augustinian friar and priest . He was a leading preacher regarding social behavior of his day. Feastday June 12 St. Ternan, 5th century. Missionary and bishop, sometimes called Torannan. According to tradition, he was a disc

2024 Catholic Sisters Week - What's it Like to Be a Sister?



SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 11  ST. BARNABAS, APOSTLE-St. Barnabas, A Jew, born in Cyprus and named Joseph, he sold his property, gave the proceeds to the Apostles, who gave him the name Barnabas. Feastday: June 10 ST. RESTITUTO, MARTYR ON THE VIA NOMENTANA St. Peter Rodriguez and Companions, Roman Catholic Knights of Santiago of Portugal and Spanish Martyrs, put to death by the Muslim Moors Feastday: June 11 St. Tochmura. Irish virgin. She is venerated in the diocese of Kilmore, Ireland, and is considered a special patron of women in labor.   St. Blitharius, 7th century. Companion of St. Fursey. A native of Scotland, Blitharius went with St. Fursey to France to undertake missions and evangelization. He is venerated in Champagne, and is sometimes called Blier.   ST. PAOLA FRASSINETTI, VIRGIN, FOUNDRESS OF THE SISTERS OF SAINT DOROTHY -St Paola Frassinetti lost her mother when she was just 9 years old; from that time, she cared for her father and four brothers. She founded an order o


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 10 St. Getulius, Martyr with Amantius, Caerealis, and Primitivus . He was the husband of St. Symphorosa. An officer in the Roman army, he resigned when he became a Christian and returned to his estates near Tivoli, Italy. There he converted Caerealis, an imperial legate sent to arrest him. With his brother Amantius and with Caerealis and Primitivus, Getulius was tortured and martyred at Tivoli. Feastday June10 Bl. Olivia, Martyr , was a beautiful girl of thirteen, of a noble Palermo, Italy, family who was carried off to Tunis by raiding Moslems. They allowed her to live in a nearby cave but when they found that her miracles and cures had converted many Mohammedans, she was imprisoned, tortured, and after converting her executioners trying to burn her to death, was beheaded. Feastday June10 ST. LANDRY, BISHOP OF PARIS


  SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 09  STS. PRIMUS AND FELICIAN, MARTYRS, June 9 ST. EPHREM, DEACON AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH -This Syriac deacon sang the mysteries of the Lord so beautifully that he earned the title, “the harp of the Holy Spirit.” A Doctor of the Church who is celebrated as the greatest hymnographer of the Christian East, Ephrem’s feast day is June 9.   B. ANNA MARIA TAIGI, MOTHER St. Columba , 521-597 A.D. Born probably in Donegal Ireland of royal descent he studied at Moville under St. Finnian then in Leinster at the monastery of Clonard under another St. Finnian. He was ordained before he was twenty-five and spent the next fifteen years preaching and setting up foundations at Derry, Durrow, and Kells. Possibly because of a family feud which resulted in the death of 3000 and for which he considered himself partly responsible he left Ireland at 42 and landed on the island of Iona off the coast of Scotland. There he built the monastery which was to become world famous. With


 SAINTS OF THE DAY FOR June 08  Bl. Pacificus of Cerano. Franciscan friar and renowned preacher . Pacificus Ramota was a native of Cerano, Novara, Italy, and entered the Franciscans in 1445. He served as a missionary in northern Italy and worked for the reform of the Church, fulfilling a task given to him by Pope Sixtus IV to bring reform to the Church in Sardinia. The pope also asked him to preach a crusade against the Ottoman Turks who had recently captured Constantinople and were threatening the Mediterranean. Especially respected for his knowledge of moral theology, Pacificus authored the Summa Pacifica, which was widely read by theologians of the time. 1424-1482 A.D. He died at Sassari, Sardinia, on June 4, 1482, and his cult was confirmed in 1745 St. Bron, 511 A.D. Bishop and disciple of St. Patrick. Bron was the bishop of Cassel-lrra, near Sligo, Ireland. He continued St. Patrick's missionary efforts and introduced literary and artistic standards in Irish monastic life.   S