Bl. Franciscan Martyrs of China, Twenty-nine Franciscans and Franciscan tertiaries who became victims of the Boxer Rebellion. They represent more than 100,000 Christians of China who were martyred in the reign of Empress Tz’u hsi. These martyrs are recorded as being slain in the palace of the viceroy of Taiyuan-fu of Xian-fu Province. The martyrs are: Bishop Gregory Grassie, Bishop Francis Fognolla, Father Elias Facchini, Father Theodore Balat, Father Franco Benedictine hermit.Feastday June 5

ST. BONIFACE, BISHOP AND MARTYR, APOSTLE OF GERMANY-St Boniface is known as the “Apostle of Germany” for having evangelised the peoples “beyond the Rhine” in the 7th century. His work provided the foundation for the political and social organization of Europe undertaken by Charlemagne.  

St. Sanctinus. Also known as Sancho, a martyr. He was born in Albi, France, but was captured as a child by the Moors and sold into slavery at Cordoba, Spain. Raised and educated at the court of the emir of Cordoba, he served in the palace guard until tortured and executed for professing the Christian faith and refusing to embrace Islam. 851 A.D. Feastday June 5

St. Dorotheus of Gaza, Presbyter, (like a bishop) lived in a cave, doing penance. My ministry was to other monks and priests. The granddaughter of the Spaniard, St. Melania the Great, Melania the younger once gave me five hundred solidi. I shared the funds with the other brothers. I kept three solidi. The rest I gave to another anchorite, Diocles, to distribute to those needy. Feastday June 5

St.  Eoban, 754 A.D. Benedictine monk and martyr of Irish descent, a companion of Sts. Willibrord and Boniface. Eoban was martyred with Boniface at Dokkum, Holland.  

St. Tudno, 6th century. Welsh saint after whom Llandudno in Gwynedd, Wales, is named. He figures in various Welsh Christian legends.  



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