Bl. Pacificus of Cerano. Franciscan friar and renowned preacher. Pacificus Ramota was a native of Cerano, Novara, Italy, and entered the Franciscans in 1445. He served as a missionary in northern Italy and worked for the reform of the Church, fulfilling a task given to him by Pope Sixtus IV to bring reform to the Church in Sardinia. The pope also asked him to preach a crusade against the Ottoman Turks who had recently captured Constantinople and were threatening the Mediterranean. Especially respected for his knowledge of moral theology, Pacificus authored the Summa Pacifica, which was widely read by theologians of the time. 1424-1482 A.D. He died at Sassari, Sardinia, on June 4, 1482, and his cult was confirmed in 1745

St. Bron, 511 A.D. Bishop and disciple of St. Patrick. Bron was the bishop of Cassel-lrra, near Sligo, Ireland. He continued St. Patrick's missionary efforts and introduced literary and artistic standards in Irish monastic life.  

St. William of York. Bishop. William of York was the son of Count Herbert, treasurer to Henry I. His mother Emma was the half-sister of King William. Young William became treasurer of the church of York at an early age and was elected archbishop of York in 1140.  


St Medard, the son of conquering Franks, lived in Gaul in the 6th century. He was one of the most famous bishops of his day. Some of his miracles in favour of thieves who had robbed him may have inspired story of Bishop Myriel in the novel Les Misérables. June 8

St. Edgar the Peaceful, 975 A.D. English king and patron of St. Dunstan, who served as his counselor. England underwent a religious revival in his reign, and he is venerated at Glastonbury. However, his daughter, St. Edith of Wilton, was borne by one of two religious women with whom he had an affair.  

St. Levan, 6th century. Celtic saint sometimes listed as Levin or Selyr. He went to Cornwall, England, as a missionary and is revered there.  

St. Muirchu, 7th century. Irish confessor. He is noted for writing the lives of St. Brigid and Patrick. In some lists he is called Maccutinus.  


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