Saint of the day July 06

 Saint of the day July 06

Bl. Thomas Alfield, 1585 A.D. English martyr. A native of Gloucester, he was educated at Eton and Cambridge. While raised as an Anglican, he eventually was converted to Catholicism and left England to study for the priesthood at Douai and Reims, France, receiving ordination in 1581. Returning to England, he was soon arrested while handing out copies of the polemic True and Modest Defence by Dr. Allen. Condemned, he was hanged at Tybum. Thomas was beatified in 1929.  

St. Modwenna. The St. Modwenna, or Monenna, formally venerated at Burton-on-Trent and elsewhere, may have lived in the middle of the seventh century and been a recluse on an islet called Andresey in the Trent. But not only are other and conflicting things alleged of her, but her legend has been confused with that of the Irish saint Darerca, or Moninne, said to have been the first abbess of Killeavy, near Nerwy and to have died in 517; and she has perhaps been confused with others as well. Capgrave and others speak of St. Modwenna as having charge of St. Edith of Polesworth, which were it true would throw no useful light on either saint. The most valuable information we possess about St. Moninne seems to be the entry in the Felire of Oengus: "Moninne of the mountain of Cuilenn was a fair pillar; she gained a triumph, a hostage of purity, a kinswoman of great Mary", with the gloss.

St. Noyala, Roman Catholic Virgin Martyr. She was beheaded at Beignan, Brittany Noyala walked from the site of her martyrdom to Pontivy, holding her head in her hands. July 6

St. Maria Goretti, Roman Catholic Virgin Martyr. Patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape. Feastday July 6



Martyrs of the Abrahamites, Roman Catholic monks who were members of the monastery founded by St. Abraham of Ephesus at Constantinople. The Abrahamites were defenders of icons and sacred images and were martyred by Emperor Theophilus, an Iconoclast. July 6


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