Saint of the day July 16

 Saint of the day July 16

St. Tenenan, 7th century. Hermit and bishop. A native of Britain, he lived for many years as a recluse in Brittany, France, and later served as bishop of Le6n, Spain.

St. Helier, 6th century. Martyr on the island of Jersey, Britain. Also called Helerous, he was murdered by pagans he was evangelizing. He was born in Tongres, Belgium, and raised by a priest; later, he spent time with St. Marculf at Nanteuil.

St. Athenogenes, Roman Catholic Bishop and Martyr, Burnt alive with ten disciples at Sebaste. He is the author of the earliest known Christian hymn recorded outside of the Bible that is still in use today. Feastday July 16

St. Mary Magdalen Postel, Roman Catholic Nun. When the French Revolution broke out

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