
Showing posts from August, 2024

Saint of the day September 01

 Saint of the day September 01 St. Fiacre. Patron of Gardeners and Cab-drivers St. Fiacre (Fiachra) is not mentioned in the earlier Irish calendars, but it is said that he was born in Ireland and that he sailed over into France in quest of closer solitude, in which he might devote himself to God, unknown to the world. He arrived at Meaux, where Saint Faro, who was the bishop of that city, gave him a solitary dwelling in a forest which was his own patrimony, called Breuil, in the province of Brie. There is a legend that St. Faro offered him as much land as he could turn up in a day, and that St. Fiacre, instead of driving his furrow with a plough, turned the top of the soil with the point of his staff. The anchorite cleared the ground of trees and briers, made himself a cell with a garden, built an oratory in honor of the Blessed Virgin, and made a hospice for travelers which developed into the village of Saint-Fiacre in Seine-et-Marne. Many resorted to him for advice, and the poor, for

Fulton Sheen Sermons -Are You Being Led by the Devil? Sure Signs You Nee...


Saint of the day August 31

  Saint of the day August 31 Bl. Richard Bere, 1537 A.D. English martyr. Born at Glastonbury, he studied at Oxford and the Inns of Court before entering the Carthusians in London. When he and his fellow monks voiced their opposition to the planned divorce of King Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon, they were starved to death in Newgate Prison. St. Raymond Nonnatus, Roman Catholic Priest. He remained as hostage for several slaves when his money ran out and was sentenced to be impaled when the governor learned that he had converted several Mohammedans. He escaped the death sentence because of the ransom he would bring, but was forced to run the gauntlet. He was then tortured for continuing his evangelizing activities but was ransomed eight months later by Peter Nolasco. Feastday Aug 31 St. Aidan of Lindisfarne, 651 A.D. Aidan of Lindisfarne, born in Ireland, may have studied under St. Senan before becoming a monk at Iona. At the request of King Oswald of Northumbria, Aidan went to Lindi

The Pearl of York, why it matters, and canned heat

  The Pearl of York, why it matters, and canned heat

African Archbishops: ‘They Are Sending Us Missionaries of Evil’| National Catholic Register

African Archbishops: ‘They Are Sending Us Missionaries of Evil’| National Catholic Register : Church leaders tell the Register that rogue NGOs and recruitment into sex parties are among the ways Western entities are imposing LGBTQ ‘proselytization’ in...

Sister Ines Paulino Albino: “Launching children into the mission - Vatican News

  Sister Ines Paulino Albino: “Launching children into the mission - Vatican News

Pope’s September prayer intention: For the cry of the earth - Vatican News

  Pope’s September prayer intention: For the cry of the earth - Vatican News Pope’s September prayer intention: For the cry of the earth In a video message accompanying his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis prays that "each of us might listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit." By Christopher Wells Considering rising temperatures around the globe, we can say the earth has a “fever”, Pope Francis says in his video-message announcing this month’s prayer intention. The earth “is sick”, he continues, “just like anyone who’s sick”. “But are we listening to this pain?” he asks. “Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes." In his message the Holy Father notes that it is the poor who suffer

The Little-Known Story of French Benedictine Monks Who Sing Gregorian Chant & Harvest Apples for a Living

  The Little-Known Story of French Benedictine Monks Who Sing Gregorian Chant & Harvest Apples for a Living

Why Are Several African Countries Attacking Freedom of Religion? - ZENIT - English

Why Are Several African Countries Attacking Freedom of Religion? - ZENIT - English : Africa has had to contend with many viruses. It seems that the virus threatening religious liberty is spreading quicker than expected.

Sex and Sanity: Man and Woman He Made Them - Mary Hasson - 2024 Summer C...


Pope: All Christians must reaffirm dignity of every human being - Vatican News

  Pope: All Christians must reaffirm dignity of every human being - Vatican News

Saint of the day August 29

  Saint of the day August 29 ST. SABINE, ROMAN MARTYR IN THE HOMONYM CHURCH ON THE AVENTINO, Saint Sabina is a Christian martyr who lived in the second century. She died for the faith around the year 120. Her relics are found in the Basilica of Santa Sabina all'Aventino. The Church remembers her on 29 August.  ST. ERMETE, MARTYR ON THE VIA SALARIA ANTICA Bl. Richard Herst, 1628 A.D. English martyr, also called Hurst. Born near Preston, Lancashire, England, he was well known as a farmer until being arrested on the charge of murder. He fought with three men who tried to arrest him, and one of them, named Dewhurst, died. In point of fact, he was hanged at Lancaster on August 29 because of his refusal to deny Catholicism. He was offered his freedom if he took the Oath of Supremacy but declined. He was beatified in 1929. St. Edwold, 9th century. A hermit who was the brother o

A new incorruptible? Diocese finds Sister Wilhelmina's body seems to have not decomposed

  A new incorruptible? Diocese finds Sister Wilhelmina's body seems to have not decomposed

Mercy Sr. Theresa Kane, prominent advocate for women's rights, dies at 87

  Mercy Sr. Theresa Kane, prominent advocate for women's rights, dies at 87

Earth Day, Every Day: Sisters inspire students to be stewards of our Earth

  Earth Day, Every Day: Sisters inspire students to be stewards of our Earth

Burkina Faso: 150 killed in "unprecedented" attack

  Burkina Faso: 150 killed in "unprecedented" attack

11 Inspiring Quotes from the Magnificent Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church

  11 Inspiring Quotes from the Magnificent Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church

3 Stipulations For Mortal Sin via @catholiclink_en

Saint of the day August 28

Saint of the day August 28 St. Edmund Arrowsmith, 1628 A.D.  St. Edmund Arrowsmith (1585 - 1628) Edmund was the son of Robert Arrowsmith, a farmer, and was born at Haydock, England. He was baptized Brian, but always used his Confirmation name of Edmund. The family was constantly harrassed for its adherence to Catholicism, and in 1605 Edmund left England and went to Douai to study for the priesthood. He was ordained in 1612 and sent on the English mission the following year. He ministered to the Catholics of Lancashire without incident until about 1622, when he was arrested and questioned by the Protestant bishop of Chester. He was released when King James ordered all arrested priests be freed, joined the Jesuits in 1624, and in 1628 was arrested when betrayed by a young man he had censored for an incestuous marriage. He was convicted of being a Catholic priest, sentenced to death, and hanged, drawn, and quartered at Lancaster on August 28th. He was canonized as one of the Forty Martyrs

Observations of an Aggie Domer: University Cultures, Evangelization, and the Shape of Faith

  Observations of an Aggie Domer: University Cultures, Evangelization, and the Shape of Faith

Tribute to Father Curran's Legacy at Rockhurst Eleven women at a Missouri prison earned associate degrees


Paula Gil Cano, a life dedicated to charity

  Paula Gil Cano, a life dedicated to charity

Sr. Terri Schell, sharing a Catholic approach to ecology and faith

  Sr. Terri Schell, sharing a Catholic approach to ecology and faith   Q

Congregational charisms guide sisters as 'living word for the church'

  Congregational charisms guide sisters as 'living word for the church'

ADOM :: Feet on their faith

  ADOM :: Feet on their faith

Saint of the day August 27

 Saint of the day August 27 St. Decuman, 706 A.D. Hermit martyr, also called Dagan. He was Welsh, and he lived as a recluse in Somersetshire, England. There he was murdered in a fashion that led to his veneration as a martyr. St. Malrubius. Martyred hermit of Merns, Scotland. He was slain by Norse invaders who landed in his area and razed the countryside. St.  Etherius, 602 A.D.  Bishop of Lyons, France, who welcomed St. Augustine when he was on his way to England. Pope St. Gregory I the Great  recommended Etherius to St. Augustine. Etherius is some-times listed as Alermius.   St. Monica, Mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, Saint Monica was a woman of profound faith. Fervently observant of the traditions of the Catholic Church, she faced the most difficult moments by placing every hope in God. Her liturgical memory recurs each year on August 27.  Roman Catholic Laywoman and was married by arrangement to a pagan official in North Africa, who was much old

Is following Jesus easy? Pope Francis answers at the Sunday Angelus - ZENIT - English

Is following Jesus easy? Pope Francis answers at the Sunday Angelus - ZENIT - English : Around 12,000 people listened to Pope Francis' Sunday address in St. Peter's Square at noon on Sunday, August 25th

Catholic Education Sunday 2024


Saint of the day August 26

 Saint of the day August 26 ST. MAXIMILIAN, MARTYR ON THE VIA SALARIA ANTICA,  ST. ALEXANDER, MARTYR OF BERGAMO Bl. Thomas Percy, 1572 A.D. English Martyr, born in 1528. Earl of Northumberland from 1537, Thomas initially enjoyed an excellent relationship with Queen Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603). Thomas also served Queen Mary (r. 1542-1587). Queen Elizabeth bestowed the Order of the Garter on him in 1563. He then became involved in the Rising of the North and fled to Scotland but was sold to Queen Elizabeth for two thousand pounds. For three years he languished in a prison, refusing fervently to abjure his faith in return for his freedom. Thomas was finally beheaded at York and was beatified in 1896.   St. Bregwin, 764 A.D. Also Breguivine, the twelfth archbishop of Canterbury, England.  He served from 761 until his death. His letters to St. Lullus of Mainz are extant and Eadmer wrote his life.   St. Pandwyna, 10th century. A Scottish or Irish saint also called Pandonio. A church is dedica

On our cheerful “descent” into apostolic Christianity

  On our cheerful “descent” into apostolic Christianity

‘Renew Your Hope in Jesus’: Pope Francis Prays for People of Nicaragua at Sunday Angelus| National Catholic Register

‘Renew Your Hope in Jesus’: Pope Francis Prays for People of Nicaragua at Sunday Angelus| National Catholic Register : The Pope’s prayer comes just days after the Ortega dictatorship canceled the legal status of 1,500 nonprofit organizations, including hundreds of Catholic org...

St. Louis, King of France - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

  St. Louis, King of France - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

Saint of the day August 25

  Saint of the day August 25 St. Genesius, During a stage performance before Emperor Diocletian in Rome, the actor Genesius portrayed a catechumen about to be baptized in a play satirizing the Christian sacrament. In the midst of the ceremony he was suddenly converted to Christianity. When presented to the Emperor, he declared his Christianity. Enbraged, Diocletian had him turned over to Plautian, prefect of the praetorium, who tortured him in an effort to force him to sacrifice to the pagan gods. When Genesius persisted in his faith, he was beheaded. Genesius is the patron of actors. Feast day is Aug. 25. Bl. Louis Sotelo, Franciscan martyr of Japan. Louis Was a noble of Spain, who was ordained and sent to Manila, Philippines, in 1601. He went to Japan in 1603 but was exiled. Returning to Spain in 1613, he visited Rome in 1622, and then went again to Japan. He was arrested in Nagasaki and burned alive at Shimabara. Feastday Aug 25 St. Louis IX, King of France. Popular memory preserves

All That Matters: Sisters of Life Solemn Profession of Vows| National Catholic Register

All That Matters: Sisters of Life Solemn Profession of Vows| National Catholic Register : A picture speaks a thousand words, when it comes to communicating a young woman’s exemplary love for Jesus present in the Eucharist.

The New Atlantis: Brave New World at 75

  The New Atlantis: <em>Brave New World</em> at 75 via @tnajournal

A nanobot performs artificial insemination of an egg.

A nanobot performs artificial insemination of an egg.

Saint of the day August 24

  Saint of the day August 24 St. Bartholomew. Nathanael, He was one of the apostles. His name means 'son of Tolomai'.  he is the man from Cana that Jesus said was incapable of deceit. He preached in India and Greater Armenia, where he was flayed and beheaded by King Astyages. Feastday Aug 24 St. Yrchard, fifth century. Scottish bishop and disciple of St. Ternan also called Yardcard. Yrchard served as a missionary among the Picts. ST. JEANNE ANTIDE THOURET, VIRGIN, FOUNDRESS OF THE SISTERS OF CHARITY SAINT EMILY DE VIALAR  Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War August 25th: S.G.Andrew Carrio, SJ 

Contraception and the Manipulation of Language

  Contraception and the Manipulation of Language via @CrisisMag

Read how actor and convert Ashley Stinnett discovered a special connection with St. Genesius, the patron saint of actors:

  Read how actor and convert Ashley Stinnett discovered a special connection with St. Genesius, the patron saint of actors:

Pope: 'Once we've encountered Christ, we can't keep Him to ourselves' - Vatican News

  Pope: 'Once we've encountered Christ, we can't keep Him to ourselves' - Vatican News

Saint of the day August 23

Saint of the day August 23 STS. ABBONDIO AND IRENEAUS, MARTYRS ON THE VIA TIBURTINA St. Tydfil, 480 A.D. Welsh martyr, reportedly from the clan of Brychan. She was slain by a group of pagan Picts or Saxons and is venerated at Merthyr-Tydfil, Glamorgan. Wales.   St. Ebba, 870 A.D. Martyr Abbess of Coldingham, England, on the Scottish border, called “the Younger.” She and her nuns were martyred by Danes in an invasion. She mutilated her face to discourage rape by the invading Danes. The raiders set fire to Coldingham, killing all of the nuns.    St. Eugene, 6th century. Irish missionary to England who became the first bishop of Ardstraw, in Tyrone, Ireland, now Derry. He is also listed as Eoghan, Enny, and Owen. He was born in Leinster, Ireland, and was a relative of St. Kevin of Glendalough. Kidnapped as a child, he spent years as a slave before returning to Ireland. There he helped St. Tigernach found Clones Monastery in 576. St. Philip Benizi,  Roman Catholic Servite cardinal and prea

Anti-Catholic Revolution and Catholic Revival

  Anti-Catholic Revolution and Catholic Revival via @CrisisMag

Kamala Harris’s Indian world - ZENIT - English

Kamala Harris’s Indian world - ZENIT - English : Harris is the daughter of Shyamala Gopalan, a scientist originally from Tamil Nadu who, like generations of young Indians who built successful careers in the United States

The status and contribution of women in the Indian church

  The status and contribution of women in the Indian church

Pilgrimage in Honour of Margaret Clitherow - The Pearl of York

  Pilgrimage in Honour of Margaret Clitherow - The Pearl of York

Saint of the day August 22

Saint of the day August 22 ST. TIMOTHEUS,ROMAN MARTYR ON THE VIA OSTIENSE,  ST. SYNFORIANUS, MARTYR OF AUTUN,  St. John Kemble, 1679 A.D. One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. He was born in Herefordshire, England, in 1599, and studied at Douai, where he was ordained in 1625. Returning to England, John labored in missions for fifty-three years. At the age of eighty-one, he was arrested at Pembridge Castle, the home of his brother. He was falsely charged in the Titus Oates Plot and condemned for being a Catholic. He was hanged, drawn, and quartered at Hereford. Pope Paul VI canonized him in 1970.   St. John Wall, 1679 A.D. One of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. He was born near Preston, England, and was educated at Douai and Rome and ordained in 1645. In 1651 he became a Franciscan, called Father Joachim of St. Anne, returning to Worcester, England, in 1656. There he was arrested in December 1678 and imprisoned for five months. He was martyred by being hanged, drawn, an

Pope's visit awakens fervor: Rosaries of 4,000 people in Papua New Guinea - ZENIT - English

Pope's visit awakens fervor: Rosaries of 4,000 people in Papua New Guinea - ZENIT - English : Catholics living in an isolated part of Papua New Guinea are overjoyed that Pope Francis will be visiting them as part his forthcoming trip.

Pope at Audience: Jesus' Baptism marks a key moment in salvation history - Vatican News

  Pope at Audience: Jesus' Baptism marks a key moment in salvation history - Vatican News

Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 6. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me”. The Holy Spirit in the Baptism of Jesus

  Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 6. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me”. The Holy Spirit in the Baptism of Jesus

Saint of the day August 21

Saint of the day August 21 St. Cyriaca, Roman Catholic Widowed Martyr and patroness of St. Laurence, sometimes called Dominica. St. Laurence, deacon and martyr, used Cyriacas villa in Rome to distribute alms to the poor. She was scourged to death for the faith. The church of St. Mary in Dominica was named after her. Feastday Aug. 21 St. Hardulph. A hermit of Leicester, England, possibly the recluse of Breedon, mentioned in the life of St. Modwenna. A church was dedicated in his honor. St. Pius X, Roman Catholic Priest and became the two hundred fifty-ninth Pope  

'Broader charism of religious life': LCWR assembly ponders new beginnings

  'Broader charism of religious life': LCWR assembly ponders new beginnings via @sistersreport

St. Bernard - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

  St. Bernard - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

Saint of the day August 20

Saint of the day August 20 Roman Catholic Martyrs of Thrace, A group of thirty-seven martyrs who suffered in Thrace, in modem northern Greece. Their feet and hands were sliced off and then they were cast into a furnace. Feastday Aug. 20 Sts. Leovigild and Christopher, Martyrs of Cordoba, Spain, put to death under the Muslim ruler of Cordoba, Abd al-Rahman II. Leovigild was a priest and Christopher was a monk. Feastday Aug 20,Jeremiah%20%2D%20September%2015%2C%20852. St. Edbert, 960 A.D.  King of Northumbria, England, the successor of St. Ceolwulph. He reigned for two decades and then became a Benedictine monk at York.    St. Herbert Hoscam, 1180 A.D. Archbishop and patron saint of Conze, Italy. He was English by birth but served

Dying Teen Miraculously Survives After Nurse Prays Rosary with Jonathan Roumie on Catholic App

  Dying Teen Miraculously Survives After Nurse Prays Rosary with Jonathan Roumie on Catholic App

Kamala’s Abortion Extremism - ZENIT - English

Kamala’s Abortion Extremism - ZENIT - English : Harris has repeatedly declined to offer even hypothetical support to any protection for the unborn, or even the just-born

Pope to Rimini Meeting: Faith in Jesus is what is essential in life - Vatican News

  Pope to Rimini Meeting: Faith in Jesus is what is essential in life - Vatican News

Pope: May new Blesseds be an example of reconciliation and peace - Vatican News

  Pope: May new Blesseds be an example of reconciliation and peace - Vatican News

Saint of the day August 19

Saint of the day August 19 ST. MAGNUS, MARTYR IN LATIUM-,near%20Fabrateria%20Vetus%2C%20in%20Latium. St. Andrew the Tribune, The "Great Martyr," and the leader of converts in the Roman army,  his men faced a battle with a Persian host. Calling upon Christ for aid, the Romans were victorious. Andrew and some of his troops became Christians as a result and were discharged from military service.  they were arrested by the military governor and executed in the Taurus Mountains of Cilicia. .Aug. 19,Orthodox%20Church%20on%2019%20August. Bl. Peter Zuniga, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of Japan. A Spaniard from Seville, he grew up in Mexico, where his father was the sixth Viceroy of the Spanish colony. Upon his return to Spain, he joined the Augustinians, and, after ordination, he requested to be s

Saint of the day August 18

 Saint of the day August 18 Blesseds James, Thoffias and Mary Guengoro Japanese martyrs. James was the son of Blesseds Thoffias and Mary Guengoro. James was only two at the time of his crucifixion at Kokura. Feastday Aug. 18 ST AGAPITUS, MARTYR OF PALESTRINA,  Aug. 18 Sts. Leo & Juliana, Roman Catholic Martyrs. Leo suffered martyrdom at Lycia. Juliana was martyred at Stribylum, in Asia Minor. Feastday Aug. 18 St. Hugh the Little, 1255 A.D. Martyred nine year old of Lincoln, England, reportedly a victim of ritual killing by English Jews. King Henry III conducted the investigation of the crime which resulted in eighteen or nineteen Jews being hanged. Hugh had been scourged, crowned with thorns, and crucified. Miracles supposedly accompanied the recovery of the lad’s body from a well, and the martyrdom became part of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The feast of the saint is no longer ke

The Offering of Children to False Gods

  The Offering of Children to False Gods via @CrisisMag



Argentina faces complex vocational decline

  Argentina faces complex vocational decline

The Childfree Movement and Other Paths to Misery

  The Childfree Movement and Other Paths to Misery

Raising Children in an Anti-Child World

  Raising Children in an Anti-Child World via @CrisisMag