Saint of the day August 14

 Saint of the day August 14

ST. MAXIMILIAN M. KOLBE, PRIEST OF THE ORDER OF THE FRIARS MINOR CONVENTUAL AND MARTYR, This Polish Conventual Franciscan, whose feast day is August 14, was a missionary in Japan before returning to a Poland ravaged by war. Imprisoned at Auschwitz in 1941, he offered to take the place of a fellow prisoner condemned to death. John Paul II canonized him as a “martyr of charity.” 

St. Otranto Martyrs, Antonio Primaldo was martyred in 1480 by Ottoman invaders after he refused along with approximately 800 others, to convert to Islam. Primaldo elevated to sainthood in a ceremony on May 12, 2013 by Pope Francis. Aug. 14

St. Fachanan. This saint's feast is observed liturgically throughout all Ireland and he is patron of the diocese of Ross, where he was probably the first bishop. He was born at Tulachteann, was one of the pupils of St. Ita, and founded the monastery of Molana on an island in the Blackwater, near Youghal. But his great achievement was the establishment of the monastic school of Ross, at what is now Rosscarbery, in county Cork, one of the most famous schools of Ireland, which flourished for three hundred years and survived in some form until the coming of the Normans. Fachanan (Fachtna) suffered for a time from blindness, from which he recovered at the intercession of St. Ita's sister, who was about to give birth to St. Mochoemog. St. Fachanan was revered as a "wise and upright man", with a great gift for preaching; St. Cuimin of Connor said of him that he was "generous and steadfast, fond of preaching to the people and saying nothing that was base or displeasing to God".

St. Werenfrid, 760 A.D.  Benedictine missionary. From England, he journeyed to become an assistant to St. Willibrord in his labors to convert the Frisians. He died at Arnhem, in the Netherlands.


St. Eusebius of Rome, Pope, The rigorist controversy, whether the church should readmit the lapsed, continued. Eusebius believed that the lapsed could be reconsiled to the church after they had done penance, and his opponent, Anaclitus, believed that the lapsed were outside the church and could not be reconsiled to the church


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