SAINTS JANUARY 12 Ephesus Roman Catholic Martyrs, Forty-two monks put to death by Byzantine Emperor Constantine V in 762 AD. for opposing the Iconoclasts.Jan 12 St. Tatiana of Rome, Roman Catholic Martyr, put to death by beheading in Rome during the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander. Jan 12 ST. ARCADIUS, MARTYR, Arcadius, seeing his city in great confusion, left his estate and withdrew to a solitary place in the neighboring country, serving Jesus Christ in watching, prayer, and other exercises of a penitential life. His flight could not be long a secret; for his not appearing at the public sacrifices made the governor send soldiers to his house, who surrounded it, forced open the doors, and finding one of his relations in it, who said all he could to justify his kinsman's absence, they seized him, and the governor ordered him to be kept in close custody till Arcadius should be taken. The martyr, informed of his friend's danger, and burning with a desire to suffer for Christ, w...