
Showing posts from January, 2025


  ENGLISH SPEAKING SAINTS AND OTHERS February 1  St. Brigid of Ireland. Brigid was probably born at Faughart near Dundalk, Louth, Ireland. Her parents were baptized by St. Patrick, with whom she developed a close friendship. According to legend, her father was Dubhthach, an Irish chieftain of Lienster, and her mother, Brocca, was a slave at his court. Even as a young girl she evinced an interest for a religious life and took the veil in her youth from St. Macaille at Croghan and probably was professed by St. Mel of Armagh, who is believed to have conferred abbatial authority on her. She settled with seven of her virgins at the foot of Croghan Hill for a time and about the year 468, followed Mel to Meath. About the year 470 she founded a double monastery at Cill-Dara (Kildare) and was Abbess of the convent, the first in Ireland. The foundation developed into a center of learning and spirituality, and around it grew up the Cathedral city of Kildare. She founded a school of art a...

St John Bosco

  St John Bosco

Gospel in Art: Feast of Saint John Bosco

  Gospel in Art: Feast of Saint John Bosco


 SAINTS JANUARY 31 St. Eusebius, 884 A.D. Martyred Irish Benedictine. While traveling from Ireland to Switzerland, Eusebius became Benedictine at Saint-Gall Monastery, Switzerland. He spent thirty years as a hermit on Mt. St. Victor and was cut down by a scythe when he preached to a group of pagan peasants.   St. Madres, Saint honored in the Carse of Gowrie, Scotland, also listed as Madianus. He may be identified with St. Modoc. One tradition makes him a companion of St. Boniface Quiritinus. Many legends offer other identities, none substantiated. St. Marcella, Roman Catholic Widowed noblewoman of Rome, the hostess of St. Jerome and other dignitaries. She was scourged in the invasion of Rome in 410 by the Visigoths Under King Alaric who wished to extract knowledge of her wealth, which had in fact been given away. While she survived the vicious beating, she died soon after from the severity of her ordeal. Widowed nine months of marriage, she gave her wealth to the poor and...

John Paul II: The Apostle of Life

  John Paul II: The Apostle of Life

What it Means to Have Children: The Supernatural Family - 2024 Summer Co...


St Bathildis

  St Bathildis

Gospel in Art: Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket?

  Gospel in Art: Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket?



 SAINTS JANUARY 30 St. Martina of Rome, Roman Catholic Virgin Martyr of Rome. A basilica was erected in her honor at the Roman Forum. Her remains were discovered there in 1634, Feastday January 30 ST. HYACINTHA MARESCOTTI, ROMAN VIRGIN Saint Hyacintha of Mariscotti (1585 - 1640 ) was a religious of the Third Order of St. Francis and foundress of the Sacconi. At length she was touched by God's grace, and the earnest exhortations of her confessor at the time of serious illness made her see the folly of the past and brought about a complete change in her life. Jan. 30

St Gildas

  St Gildas

Gospel in Art: Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow

  Gospel in Art: Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow

St. Sulpitius Severus - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

  St. Sulpitius Severus - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News


  SAINTS JANUARY 29 STS. PAPIAS AND MAURUS, SOLDIERS, MARTYRS ON THE VIA NOMENTANA. At Rome, on the Via Nomentana, the holy martyrs Papias and Maurus, soldiers, in the time of the Emperor Diocletian. At their first confession of Christ, Laodicius, the prefect of the city, ordered their mouths to be pounded with stones. Jan. 29 Sts. Sarbelius & Barbea, Roman Catholic Martyrs. Brother and sister, who were put to death at Edessa during the persecutions of Emperor Trajan. Sarbelius, also called Sharbel, was a high priest at Edessa, in Mesopotamia. They were arrested for converting to the faith, and were tortured with red-hot irons prior to execution. Feastday January 29 Bl. Boleslava Lament, Roman Catholic Virgin, in the midst of political upheaval founded the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family to promote Christian unity, help the poor and train the girls to Christian life. ST. CONSTANTINUS, BISHOP OF PERUGIA, Saint Constantine, first Bishop of Perugia in Cen...

Check out this article: Pope clears way for beatification of Georgia martyrs -

  Check out this article: Pope clears way for beatification of Georgia martyrs -

Discalced Carmelites leave Nicaragua amid government persecution - ZENIT - English

 Discalced Carmelites leave Nicaragua amid government persecution - ZENIT - English

St Thomas Aquinas

  St Thomas Aquinas

Gospel in Art: Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas

  Gospel in Art: Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas


 SAINTS JANUARY 28 St. Jerome Lou-Tin-Mei, Roman Catholic Layman and Chinese Martyr. The Roman Catholic Church recognizes 120 Catholics who died between 1648 and 1930 as its "Martyr Saints of China". Jan. 28 Bl. Lawrence Wang, Roman Catholic Layman and Chinese Martyr. Lawrence was beheaded by anti-Christian forces and received beatification in 1909. Feastday Jan28 St. Glastian, 830 A.D. Bishop and patron of Kinglassie, Fife, and Scotland. He served as mediator between the Scots and Picts.   St. Richard of Vaucelles, 1169 A.D. English Cistercian abbot. He was appointed the head of Vaucelles Abbey, France, by St. Bernard.   St. Cannera, 530 A.D. An Irish hermitess, a friend of St. Senan. She is also called Cainder or Kinnera. She lived as a recluse near Bantry, Ireland, and was buried on St. Senan's Island, Enniscarthy. St. Thomas Aquinas, Roman Catholic Dominican friar, priest and Doctor of The Church. Feastday January 28

St Angela Merici

  St Angela Merici

Gospel in Art: How can Satan cast out Satan?

  Gospel in Art: How can Satan cast out Satan?


SAINTS JANUARY 27 ST. VITALIAN, POPE St. Julian of Le Mans, 3rd century. First bishop of Le Mans, France. Tradition states that he was a noble Roman. Julian performed extravagant miracles and was honored during the Middle Ages as the patron of churches in England.   St. Natalis. A founder of monasticism in Northern Ireland and a disciple of St. Columba also called Naal. He served as abbot of the monasteries of Naile, Daunhinis, and Cill. A well in that region honors his memory. St. Angela Merici, Roman Catholic Saint. She founded the Order of Ursulines in 1535 in Brescia. Feastday January 27  

The Life and Times of a Prison Chaplain

  The Life and Times of a Prison Chaplain

The love behind her vows

  The love behind her vows

St Paula and Bl Michal Kozal

  St Paula and Bl Michal Kozal

Gospel in Art: The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him

  Gospel in Art: The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him

St. Paula-roman-matron- - Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops, Disciples of st. Paul Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops, Disciples of st. Paul - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News 


  SAINTS JANUARY 26 Bl. Michal Kozal, Roman Catholic Priest and Bishop. Polish Martyr and 220 other priests of the diocese, who died in Dachau Concentration camp .Feastday Jan 26 St. Conan, 648 A.D. A bishop of Ireland, possibly from Scotland. It is believed that Conan taught St. Fiacre before going to the Isle of Man, where he served as a missionary and was consecrated bishop.    St. Robert of Newmister, 1000-1159 A.D. Cistercian abbot. Born in Yorkshire, England, he entered the Benedictines at Whitby and soon joined the monks at Fountains Abbey who were adopting the harder rule which was gaining prominence at the time. This community embraced the Cistercian rule, and the monastery became one of the spearhead communities for the Cistercians in England. In 1137, Robert helped to found Newminster Abbey, in Northumberland, serving as its first abbot. St. Timothy, Roman Catholic Saint. Timothy was probably with Paul when the Apostle was imprisoned at Caesarea and then Rome, ...

'Life: Why We March': The Best Signs & Footage Spotted at the 2025 March for Life

  'Life: Why We March': The Best Signs & Footage Spotted at the 2025 March for Life

Conversion of St Paul

  Conversion of St Paul

Gospel in Art: Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul

  Gospel in Art: Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul


  SAINTS JANUARY 25 St. Dwynwen. A Welsh saint credited with the saying: “Nothing wins hearts like cheerfulness.” A member of the family of Brychan of Brecknock, she is venerated throughout Wales and Cornwall, England.  St.  Eochod, 697 A.D. The Apostle of the Picts of Galloway, Scotland. He was one of the twelve chosen by St. Columba to evangelize northern Britain. St. Peter Thomas, At the behest of Pope Urban V, he journeyed to Serbia, Hungary, and Constantinople in an effort to organize a crusade against the Turks. He took part in a military operation against Alexandria, Egypt, in 1365 during which he was severely wounded. He died from his injuries at Cyprus a few months later. While never formally canonized, his feast was permitted to the Carmelites in 1608. Feastday Jan 25 CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL THE APOSTLE, Saint Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus was to be the turning point in his spiritual life. There he met Jesus and nothing was the same after, Jan 25 ST...

‘Prophetesses of hope’: Dedication of religious sisters and power of communication - Vatican News

  ‘Prophetesses of hope’: Dedication of religious sisters and power of communication - Vatican News

Nigeria: Dozens of Christians killed last month

  Nigeria: Dozens of Christians killed last month

Pope to World Economic Forum: AI must promote and never violate human dignity - Vatican News

  Pope to World Economic Forum: AI must promote and never violate human dignity - Vatican News

5 Fundamental Truths About Your God-Given Beauty The Every Catholic Woman Should Know

  5 Fundamental Truths About Your God-Given Beauty The Every Catholic Woman Should Know

“If Families Aren’t Going To Mass, Your Catholic School Is Failing.”

“If Families Aren’t Going To Mass, Your Catholic School Is Failing.” via @catholiclink_en

Nicaraguan Dictatorship Closes Foundation of Dominican Nuns - ZENIT - English

  Nicaraguan Dictatorship Closes Foundation of Dominican Nuns - ZENIT - English

Massacre of Christians in Nigeria - ZENIT - English

Massacre of Christians in Nigeria - ZENIT - English : A series of attacks on Christian communities in December, including on Christmas day, left dozens dead, according to recent reports from local Church sources to Aid to the Church in Need.

Massacre of Christians in Nigeria - ZENIT - English

  Massacre of Christians in Nigeria - ZENIT - English

Rebels kill DR Congo governor as fighting intensifies

  Rebels kill DR Congo governor as fighting intensifies

Trump pardons anti-abortion activists ahead of rally

  Trump pardons anti-abortion activists ahead of rally

Philippines’ Cardinal David: The Pope is both a religious and a political leader | RVA

  Philippines’ Cardinal David: The Pope is both a religious and a political leader | RVA

Prayer for Pope Francis

  Prayer for Pope Francis O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favorably on your servant Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; Grant, we pray, that by word and example he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

9 Things to Know About the Holy Life of Saint Francis De Sales, Patron of Catholic Journalists

  9 Things to Know About the Holy Life of Saint Francis De Sales, Patron of Catholic Journalists

St Francis of Sales

  St Francis of Sales

Gospel in Art: Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor

  Gospel in Art: Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor

Saint Francis de Sales - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News

  Saint Francis de Sales - Information on the Saint of the Day - Vatican News Born August 21, 1567 in Thorens-Glières, France, to an ancient noble family of Boisy, in Savoy, he trained in the best French schools, then followed the wishes of his father, who dreamed for him a legal career, and went to study law at the University of Padua. There he discovered a definite interest in theology. He graduated with honors, returned to France in 1592, and enrolled in the bar association. His greatest desire, however, was to become a priest, so the following year, December 18, he was ordained, and three days later, at the age of 26, he celebrated his first Mass. Appointed archpriest of the cathedral chapter of Geneva, Francis manifests qualities of zeal and charity, diplomacy and level-headedness. Amid the raging storm of Calvinist heresy, he volunteered to re-evangelize the Chabl...


  SAINTS JANUARY 24 Bl. William Ireland, 1679 A.D. Jesuit martyr of England. He was born in Lincolnshire and studied at St. Omer, France, where he joined the Jesuits in 1655. He was professed in 1673 and was a confessor to nuns until he was sent to England, where he became known as William Ironmonger or Iremonger. William worked for the English mission until his arrest at the London Jesuit house and his subsequent execution at Tyburn for supposed complicity in the Popish Plot. He was beatified in 1929.    Bl. John Grove, 1697 A.D. English martyr, the servant of Blessed William Ireland. He served several Jesuits at a London house until his arrest. John was martyred at Tyburn with Blessed William Ireland for alleged involvement in the Titus Oates Plot. He was beatified in 1929.   St. Cadoc, 580 A.D. A Welsh bishop and martyr, a companion of St. Gildas. Cadoc is also called Docus, Cathmael, and Cadvael. He founded L...

Global Sisters Report acquires A Nun's Life Ministry

  Global Sisters Report acquires A Nun's Life Ministry

An imperfect male’s guide to successful married life

An imperfect male’s guide to successful married life : Continue to pray for your spouse and for each of your children—even after they grow up and leave home, including all the members of their families as they grow.

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord February 2

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord February 2  February 2

5 Things You Should Know About the Baptism of the Lord

 5 Things You Should Know About the Baptism of the Lord T his year, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 12. In the liturgical calendar, this day marks the end of the Christmas season. It is notable because it marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and confirms his identity as the Son of God. In our latest post, discover five things you should know about the significance of this feast day and strengthen your own devotion. The Baptism of Jesus portrayed in the  Rosary Garden 1. Jesus was baptized by his kinsman, John. According to Luke 1:36, John’s mother, Elizabeth, was a relative of Mary, Jesus’ mother. Because their pregnancies occurred at similar times, their sons’ first interaction actually took place before they were born. When Mary went to see Elizabeth after learning she was to give birth to the Messiah, John leaped for joy from within his mother’s womb. Luke 1:41-43 states: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her...


 The Father, through the Holy Spirit, draws people to Jesus. This, is precisely “the truth; this is the reality that every one of us feels when we approach Jesus” and what “the impure spirits try to impede; they wage war on us”. A Christian life without temptations is not Christian: it is ideological, it is gnostic, but it is not Christian”. In fact it happens that “when the Father draws people to Jesus, there is another who draws in the opposite way and wages war within you! Words of the Holy Father (Santa Marta, 19 January 2017) Image: The_Ladder_of_Divine_Ascent_Monastery_of_St_Catherine_Sinai_12th_century Steps or Rungs on the Ladder to Heaven Part of a series on the Eastern Orthodox Church Christ Pantocrator (Deesis mosaic detail) Mosaic of Christ Pantocrator, Hagia Sophia Overview The Scala consists of 30 chapters, or "rungs", 1–4:  Renunciation of the world and obedience to a spiritual father 1. Περὶ ἀποταγῆς ( On renunciation of the world, or asceticism) 2. Περὶ ἀπροσ...