Bl. Angela of Foligno - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Angela of Foligno - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Angela of Foligno
Franciscan tertiary and mystic. Born in Foligno, Italy, in 1248, Angela married and had several children. Wealthy, she took part in the social events of the city until 1285, when she had a
vision. Following that mystical experience, Angela became a member of the Franciscan Third Order. When her husband died, she gave away her possessions and started a community of tertiaries
devoted to the care of the needy. Her visions, which were recorded by her confessor, demonstrated a mature mystical union with Christ and the gift of revelation. She is sometimes called "the
Mistress of Theologians." Her tomb is in the church of St. Francis in Foligno. Many miracles have been recorded there. Feastday Jan.4


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