St. Cumgar, 6th or 8th century. Monastic founder possibly identified with St. Docuinus. A native of Devon, he founded monasteries at Budgworth, Somerset, England, and at West Glamorgan, Wales. He was buried at Somerset. 


St. Florentius of Strasbourg, 693 A.D. Irish bishop of Strasbourg, France. He went to Alsace and there he became a hermit on Mount Ringelberg. After curing the blind and deaf daughter of St. King Dagobert II, he had the king’s patronage in founding a monastery. He was appointed the bishop of Strasbourg and founded St. Thomas Monastery, mostly staffed by Irish.

St. Achillas, Bishop and theologian, He ordained Arius, who was to begin the influential heresy of Arianism. When Achillas recognized the untruths in Arius' preaching, he took steps to defend the faith and was attacked by Arius and another heretical group called the Meletians. Achillas remained firm in the faith. A council held in Alexandria condemned Arius and forced him to flee to Palestine Feastday: November 7

St. Hyacinth Castaneda, Roman Catholic Priest and Vietnamese Martyr. Martyr of Vietnam and a Dominican. Born in Setavo, Spain, he was sent to China and then Vietnam. Hyacinth was beheaded in Vietnam. Nov 7

Bl. Peter Ou, Roman Catholic Chinese Martyr. A Chinese native, Peter was originally an innkeeper who was converted to the Catholic faith and became a catechist. He is credited with giving Christian instruction to more than six hundred converts before he was strangled by enemies of the Church. Feastday: November 7

ST. WILLIBRORD, BISHOP OF NORTHERN EUROPE. Willibrord was a Northumbrian missionary saint, known as the "Apostle to the Frisians" in the modern Netherlands. He became the first Bishop of Utrecht and died at Echternach, Luxembourg . Nov 7

Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace

ST. PROSDOCIMUS, FIRST BISHOP OF PADUA. Prosdocimus, whose name means “awaited or expected,” lived in the early years of the Church. He is said to have been appointed by St Peter as Bishop of Padua, where he is honoured as the city’s first Bishop. He is remembered for numerous miracles and wonders. Nov 7


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