Holy Innocents, martyrs -The Holy Innocents are the children of Bethlehem, put to death by order of King Herod, as part of his efforts to eliminate the child Jesus, whom prophecies announced as the Messiah and new King of Israel. They have been honored as martyrs since the early centuries.  

Sts. Eutychius & Domitian, Roman Catholic Martyrs of Ancyra, in Galatia. Eutychius was a priest and Domitian a deacon, and they died for defending the faith. Feastday Dec.28

St. Romulus and Conindrus, 450 A.D. Missionaries and bishops, honored as the first evangelizers of the Isle of Man. They were contemporaries of St. Patrick and part of the great mission labors of that era.

St. Maughold, 488 A.D. Irish bishop converted by St. Patrick, also listed as Macull and Maccaldus. Originally an outlaw, he was spiritually changed by St. Patrick and performed penance and entered the religious life. Maughold was told to leave Ireland as part of his penance and set sail, landing on the Isle of Man. There he evangelized the people and was elected bishop.


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