Saints MAR. 22 St. Callinica & Basilissa, Roman Catholic Women Martyrs of Galatia., St. Lea, Roman Catholic

Saints MAR. 22 St. Callinica & Basilissa, Roman Catholic Women Martyrs of Galatia. Wealthy matrons, Callinica and Basilissa spent their fortunes bringing aid to the imprisoned Christians in their area. They were arrested for their generosity and slain. Feastday March 22 St. Lea, Roman Catholic fourth-century saint in the Roman Catholic Church based on the authority of Jerome., soon after her marriage she was widowed and left very sound financially. Instead of retiring as a wealthy widow, however, she joined a convent of consecrated virgins in the city—shedding all the money and social standing she possessed. In later years she was named the prioress of the convent. Feastday Mar.22


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