St. Eulogius and Companions Roman Catholic Martyrs of Constantinople, executed by Emperor Valens for opposing Arianism. Feastday: July 3

St. Philip Minh, Roman Catholic Priest and Vietnamese Martyr. Born in Vietnam, he joined the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris and was ordained a priest with the purpose of working for the Church in Vietnam. Seized by anti-Catholic forces, he was beheaded. Feastday July 3

St. Joseph Peter Uyen, Roman Catholic Dominican tertiary & Martyr of Vietnam. A native catechist, he died of abuse in prison for refusing to give up the faith. Feastday July 3


ST. LEO II, POPE-St Leo was elected Pope in 682, but was not enthroned until 18 months later, after he had received confirmation from the Roman Emperor. He battled against the Monothelite, which held there was only a single will in Christ. He is buried beneath St Peter’s Basilica. July 3

St. Bladus. One of the early bishops of the Isle of Man off the Scottish coast.

St. Byblig, 5th century. Welsh holy man, also called Biblig, Pebliq, Pibliq, and Publicus. He is associated with Caenarvon, Wales.

St. Cillene, 752 A.D. An abbot of lona, Scotland. He was Irish and became abbot around 726.

St. Gunthiern, 500 A.D. Welsh prince who became a hermit in Brittany, France.

St. Guthagon, 8th century. An Irish hermit who took residence in Belgium.

St. Maelmuire O' Gorman
. Abbot of Knock, Ireland. He is revered as an Irish poet.


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